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PET CT - Scan

PET" stands for positron emission tomography. PET creates an image (scan) of your body's biochemical activity. PET shows the rate at which your body's cells break down and use sugar (glucose). This activity is called metabolism. Cancer cells metabolize sugar at a higher rate than normal cells do. A PET scan shows this abnormal cell activity. For your PET scan, a small amount of radioactive material is injected into your blood stream. This material is called a radioisotope. A PET scanner detects the radioisotope and then creates an image on the computer screen. PET exposes you to a very low level of radiation. The highly sensitive PET scan detects the metabolic signal

of actively growing cancer cells in the body and the CT scan provides a detailed picture of the internal anatomy that reveals the location, size and shape of abnormal cancerous growths. Individually each imaging test has certain limitations and benefits but when the results of PET and CT scan are "fused" together, the combined image provides complete information on cancer location and metabolism. In one continuous full-body scan (usually about 15 to 20 minutes) PET captures images of miniscule changes in the body's metabolism caused by the growth of abnormal cells (cancer), while CT images simultaneously allow physicians to pinpoint the exact location, size and shape of the diseased tissue or tumor. Essentially, small lesions or tumors are detected with PET and then precisely located with CT

Take PET CT appoinment at affordable rates